Find the answer to your questions below!

How can I earn points on Astrol?

You earn points by engaging with any product on Astrol. Different actions yield different points; for instance, borrowing earns you more points per dollar than lending.

Are early users rewarded?

Absolutely! Early users get loyalty boosts. For every epoch you contribute, you’ll receive a 25% boost in the following epoch.

For example:

• If you contributed in Epoch 0, you’ll get a 25% boost in Epoch 1.

• If you also contribute in Epoch 1, your boost increases to 50% in Epoch 2.

Can non-whales compete for points?

Definitely! While position size and duration are important, there will be special boosts during the epoch to help everyone significantly increase their points per dollar.

What are Base Points?

- Astrol Lend Supply: 1 point per $ per hour

- Astrol Lend Borrow: 3 point per $ per hour

- Referring new user: 15% of the points any user you refer earns

How are points calculated?

Here’s the formula:

((Deposited Value * 1) + (Borrowed Value * 3)) *User Boost

How many points do I earn for referring a new user?

You’ll earn 15% of the points from the users you refer—without reducing their points!

Connect your wallet to Astrol, click on your wallet address, navigate to the Points section, and simply click Copy Referral Code to generate your link!

Last updated